Autism Service Dogs

Service Dogs are task trained to mitigate their owners disability. Some of the Autism Service Dog tasks include:

▢ Agitation response

▢ Assist in creating a safe personal space

▢ Buffer in crowded places

▢ Deep Pressure Therapy

▢ Provide distraction

▢ Reorient to the here & now (lick, pets)

▢ Snuggle

Autism Service Dog golden retriever

An autism service dog is a dog trained to assist a person with autism to help them gain independence and the ability to perform activities of daily living similar to people without autism.

autism service dog golden retriever

Skywalker (Mermaid litter) is a lifesaver for Autism meltdowns. She does Deep Pressure Therapy, but she’ll sometimes add in some licks to distract (her own little addition!). She has also alerted for oncoming migraines due to low blood sugar.
-Amanda P in Long Island, New York