Mobility Service Dogs

Service Dogs are task trained to mitigate their owners disability. Some of the Mobility Service Dog tasks include:

▢ Assist in a public restroom

▢ Assist with position changes (sit to stand, lay to sit, etc)

▢ Balance assist on stairs

▢ Balance support

▢ Block

▢ Brace

▢ Carry/deliver an item

▢ Clean up items

▢ Close doors

▢ Counterbalance 

▢ Cover

▢ Deep Pressure Therapy

▢ Drag laundry basket

▢ Forward momentum

▢ Oops pick up

▢ Open doors

▢ Provide momentum up inclines

▢ Push handicap or elevator buttons (this is actually a rare one, as many places do not have handicap buttons)

▢ Remove socks or other clothing

▢ Retrieve items

▢ Turn lights on/off (paw, nose, teeth)

A mobility service dog is a dog trained to assist a physically disabled person who has mobility issues, such as poor balance or being a non-ambulatory wheelchair user. Roles include "providing balance and stability,” picking up and carrying objects, pulling wheelchairs, opening and closing doors, and operating light switches.

mobility service dog golden retriever

Angus has been a huge mobility help. He picks things up for me so I don't have to bend over. I have been setting him up for full mobility work (without the strain) and so far he's acing it. Braces against pressure, standing, stays in place.
-Holly M in Indianapolis, Indiana