Why Choose HOPE?

We have been where you are.

Looking for a dog, maybe as a service dog prospect, or a therapy dog prospect, or as a companion (pet) dog.

It can be overwhelming, trying to figure out where to go, what to look for, who to talk to, and which dog is going to be part of your future.

Just like you, we struggled with separating our brain from our heart, to get the best dog for the situation, instead of the dog who was convenient.

Breed IS important. However, health, temperament and trainability are more important. It is not about finding any old golden retriever breeder, but finding one who knows what to look for because of their 18 years experience training service dogs, and who can match you up to that perfect puppy and a lifetime of success.

POTS service dog

Sebastian & Rich at Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge in Disney’s Hollywood Studios

People came to us with heart-wrenching stories, in desperate need of having a service dog to help them in their situation. Sometimes they had a great dog, who was an excellent service dog candidate…

And sometimes, the dog was not a service dog candidate.

Or the owner would struggle, because the breed or the dog they chose was not suitable as a service dog candidate, or the breeder didn’t do their job in matching the right puppy to them.

We knew there had to be a better way. A way to increase the success for people who desperately needed a service dog, to provide them a puppy who was raised from birth to be the very best he could be. We were in a unique position to set these owner-trainers up for success, changing their lives.

That is how Hope Service Dogs, Inc (HSD) was born. We were formed in 2018, and granted 501(c)(3) non-profit status for our service dog program June 2019.

Gypsy (Victoria’s Golden Retriever Service Dog) was going to be the foundation of Hope Service Dog’s breeding program. However, while the rest of her health testing came back perfect, and her prelim OFA hip score came “Fair,” her OFA final was “Mild," with a PennHip score of .57R/.55L. Her veterinarian cleared her for service work and light mobility, however, we wanted better for our breeding program, and Gypsy was spayed.

Victoria called a breeder friend who had enrolled in her online service dog school, to ask for advice for finding a dog who would pass our health testing requirements for HSD. The breeder, Sweetheart’s Goldens in Loveland, Colorado, generously donated Lucy & Ginger to HSD, as our foundation girls.

Lucy had completed her health testing, and Ginger had her prelims. When we completed Ginger’s hips and elbows, we found that Ginger’s PennHip results put her in the top 13% of all Goldens tested. You can click on their links to see their full health testing results. We do both PennHip & OFA when we test hips.

We were able to purchase Leta in 2020, with her junior championship and FCI health clearances. When she arrived from Europe, we re-tested with both PennHip & OFA. Leta’s PennHip results put her in the top 31% of all Goldens tested.

Not every dog will meet the strict requirements for our breeding program. Some dogs may occasionally be available.

Our aim is to breed the best - health and temperament are key - because a person with a service dog does not need a dog with a disability.

In 2020, we breed our first litters of Golden Retrievers. Something that was many years in the planning, preparation, and development.

There is a reason many service dog programs utilize golden retrievers, they are one of the top breeds for service dog work. Especially for the type of service dogs we train (dysautonomia, ehlers-danlos syndrome, medical alert, response, and recovery, along with mobility, and more). However, it may be hard to find a health tested golden retriever who is prepared for the service dog life.

You can be assured that our team will make sure your puppy has the very best start possible, with extensive environmental exposure, socialization, early neurological stimulation, early scent introduction, handling, puppy culture, Avidog and more. Your puppy will be set up for a lifetime of learning.

Not every puppy in the litter can go on to become a service dog. We do our best to place each puppy with the correct family, which includes the service dog candidates, the therapy dog candidates, and the companion (pet) dogs.

You want the perfect puppy.

Pick the puppy bred and raised by professional service dog trainers.

All of our puppies receive equal loving care, along with all the special activities and challenges that set them up for a lifetime of success with you.

Hope Service Dogs, Inc. Changing lives and providing HOPE for tomorrow.

Puppies can:

(1) go to their new homes at 8 weeks old, already microchipped and with their Florida health certificate

(2) you have the opportunity to have our professional dog trainers keep your puppy for additional training, to give your puppy the very best start possible with our Puppy Training Programs. Giving your puppy this time to work with our world class trainers truly sets your puppy up for living the very best life possible.