Grand Task List
Here are some of the tasks that your service dog may be trained to perform, tailored to assist in mitigating your specific disability:
Dysautonomia &/or Ehlers-Danlos:
▢ Alert family member for help
▢ Alert to changes in medical condition
▢ Assist in position changes (sitting or laying down in cases of impeding medical crisis, to rise & steady, get up from a chair/floor, wheelchair transfer)
▢ Balance support
▢ Brace or lean against handler (grounding)
▢ Counterbalance
▢ Deep Pressure Therapy
▢ Fetch medication/phone
▢ Find a location/item (bathroom/car/etc)
▢ Forward momentum pull
▢ Grounding
▢ Medical recovery
▢ Medical response
▢ Medication reminder
▢ Oops pick up
▢ Proprioception awareness
▢ Reorient to the here & now (lick, pets)
▢ Retrieve emergency medication/water
▢ Retrieve medical equipment, mobility aid (wheelchair, cane, walker, grabber, etc)
▢ Stay with until help arrives
▢ Under legs to raise
Medical Alert Dog:
▢ Alert to changes in medical condition via scent or sight
▢ Medication reminder
▢ Reassure during medical crisis
▢ Reorient after medical episode
▢ Stay with until help arrives
▢ Wake handler
Mobility Dogs:
▢ Assist in a public restroom
▢ Assist with position changes (sit to stand, lay to sit, etc)
▢ Balance assist on stairs
▢ Balance support
▢ Block
▢ Brace
▢ Carry/deliver an item
▢ Clean up items
▢ Close doors
▢ Counterbalance
▢ Cover
▢ Deep Pressure Therapy
▢ Drag laundry basket
▢ Forward momentum
▢ Oops pick up
▢ Open doors
▢ Provide momentum up inclines
▢ Push handicap or elevator buttons (this is actually a rare one, as many places do not have handicap buttons)
▢ Remove socks or other clothing
▢ Retrieve items
▢ Turn lights on/off (paw, nose, teeth)
Psychiatric Service Dogs:
▢ Agitation response
▢ Assist in creating a safe personal space
▢ Assist to leave social situation (panic attack)
▢ Block
▢ Brace or lean against handler (grounding)
▢ Buffer in crowded places
▢ Cover
▢ Crying interruption/response
▢ Deep Pressure Therapy
▢ Fetch items
▢ Find location/item
▢ Flashback interruption
▢ Follow designated person
▢ Interrupt dissociation
▢ Interrupt freezing behavior
▢ Interrupt harmful behavior
▢ Interrupt panic/anxiety attack
▢ Interrupt repetitive behaviors
▢ Interrupt scratching/ skin picking
▢ Nightmare interruption
▢ Provide distraction
▢ Provide excuse to leave uncomfortable situation
▢ Reorient to the here & now (lick, pets)
▢ Respond to smoke alarm
▢ Routine reminders (feed dog, eat meals, go to sleep, with alarm set)
▢ Snuggle
▢ Summon help from specific person
▢ Watch my back